The Daily CREED
Welcome to the Daily CREED podcast show. My name is JR and I am your host. On our show we help entrepreneurs gain clarity on their programs, offers, deliverables, traffic, and sales so they can thrive in a competitive market. Our focus is to break your limited beliefs that is keeping you from personal and professional success. We want you to dominate your industry and to live the life you desire. We believe that if you can master the five character traits of commitment, resilience, excellence, execution, and discipline then you will grow in every aspect of your life
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Born the 10th of 13 children to Gloria and Charles Brackett in small town New England, Matthew left home at 18 on an adventure of service in formal ministry as a Catholic priest for 30 years that led him to Italy, Ireland, England, Colombia, Chile and Mexico along with a few years of active duty as a Chaplain in the US Navy. He is now launching Brackett Alliance to continue to serve as a coach, consultant and educator around the beautiful complexities of the human element in relationship, leadership, followership and diversity.
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Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Henry Gaskins is a Certified Health and Life Coach, Minister, and host of FB weekly podcast, C.R.U.S.H. Your Mountain.
Henry has overcome many challenges in life. Caring for two mentally ill parents, struggling to look after an adopted son, while finding work away from the health care field put him on the path to become a certified Health and Life Coach. He Founded Chrysalis Transformational Coaching Service LLC.
Upon being diagnosed as diabetic, Henry rejected the doctor’s prognosis of needing to be on insulin for the rest of his life. He lost 20 lbs, created a workout strategy, and restructured his eating lifestyle. He created the C.R.U.S.H. Method to help himself and others improve their health, wellness and personal growth. Henry’s philosophy is simple: “We are all in a state of ‘becoming’. The opportunity is to be intentional about the outcome.”
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Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Huey Scott, the guy who isn't afraid to hop on a plane and visit a foreign country. With over 25 countries in the span of 9 years, Huey doesn't see himself slowing down. Huey strives to bring culture, fun adventures, travels hacks, and exciting experiences to his audience. He challenges himself creatively while staying in the moment of each experience.
With his most recent country in the books, Belize, (a country that's been on his D list and no desire to visit) Huey was optimistic. Researching and reaching out to locals to find what locations, experiences must be shared. When Huey isn't traveling he'a working on evolving himself.
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Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Jacob Yarbrough is the Owner of Fit2Lead of Freedom Fitness & Wellness LLC, Certified Personal Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and Certified Nutritionist through Precision Nutrition.
He has helped a variety of clients achieve goals including weight loss, muscle growth, postural correction, joint mobility and pain management. Along with training clients in a private facility in Missouri, Jacob created his online program to help leaders all over the country. The purpose of Fit2Lead of Freedom Fitness & Wellness LLC is to help busy adults lose weight without restrictive diets so they have energy and confidence needed to be successful in every area of life.
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Marcia opened her Health and Wellness Nutrition Coaching business in March of this 2022. She assist clients 1:1 in a 90 day transformation program focusing on weight loss and increased energy using four pillars of transformation: Hydration, Nutrition, Sleep and Motivation.
She wants to scale her business in the next year to add another coach and adding value to my existing program. I want to enhance the program with add ons, med spas, hydration therapy, prepared healthy meals, chiropractors, physicians and OBGYN partners. I would like to carry supplements and active wear as well. I want to keep my why in front of me which is to create a business my kids can work at with me. Also, I want to bring a non-profit to life in 2023 which I have had in mind since 2017. My life challenges has brought me to here. I am very passionate about health and showing up for yourself. The scholarship would assist in me propelling the business at a great clip. I want to live a comfortable life and give back! Thanks so much for your support and this generous opportunity! Sincerely, Marcia King
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Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Coach Raja is a Triple threat - Science for the MIND, Karate for the Body, and Music for the Soul.
Over the past 3 and half years he has provided FB live coaching on Mindset and personal development and on his #FreedomCoachingLIve and helped thousands. The beta launch of “Mind-SHIFT Mastery” yielded a 100% success rate in guiding clients to face their fears.
After 37 years of Tang Soo Do training he discovered a pattern in students going from white belt "MindLOCK" to black belt "MindSHIFT" which he translates into business, life, and relationships. Now he is a Professional speaker who Keynoted TEDxJNJ, recently won the Toastmasters International Speech Competition (Area) twice, won 3rd place at Ultimate Speaker Competition Philadelphia 2022, is in multiple Black Belt Hall of Fame, starred in the martial arts documentary movie "The Martialist", and about to release his new book “UN-Box ME Today.”
All of this despite a lifelong stutter which he saved for last to show you that any obstacle can be overcome with the right MIND-SHIFT. Are you ready for YOUR Mind-SHIFT?
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Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Award Winning Global TEDx Speaker, Executive Speaker Coach, Leadership Trainer, 7x Best Selling Author and multi-platform Media Host.
Internationally acclaimed Author of Eat, Drink and Be Mary: A Glimpse Into a Life Well Lived and It’s Not Luck: Overcoming You. Co-Author of the best selling book series: 13 Steps to Riches, Lead Author of HOLD MY CROWN - Women of grit share stories of resilience.
Co-Creator of Amplifluence: 3 pillars to speak, publish and convert your message.
Michelle is the co-Host of the Amplifluence podcast and Host of MentalShift on The New Channel (TNC), Philippines.
She amplifies your presence and guides you through the professional speaker process of core message development and signature talks. Michelle’s bonus service is to orchestrate the delivery and framework of your multi-faceted presentation.
Michelle is a survivor of multiple life challenges to include a Traumatic Brain Injury and Breast Cancer. She guides others to recognize their innate gifts, stop apologizing for what they aren’t and step into who they truly are… Unapologetically.
Connect with Michelle :
Instagram: @michellemras
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Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Keegan Johns is
the Father of 2 amazing kiddos
Self proclaimed raging optimist
Owner of financial services practice coming up on serving over a thousand families in the St. Louis area
Proud College dropout
and On a mission in life to help people “Think Bigger” and better
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Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Keenya is teh CEO of If You brand It, a marketing and consulting firm in San Diego, CA where she strategically helps business owners develop video marketing strategies.
Keenya decided to learn about the TikTok platform as a way to market her business during the pandemic. In just 12 short months Keenya has grown her account to over 470,000 followers and has helped clients reach millions of followers as well.
As a partner with the Keenya Kelly brand you will surely reach Keenya’s strong female audience of influencer and entrepreneurs.
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Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Jasmine Wardlaw , mother, inventor, entrepreneur, International best selling author of “Consulting The Vine” and “Soap Make-Over Made Easy” and founder of ‘Soap My Way’, has studied with Les Brown and Bill Walsh.
Jasmine has worked in the airline industry as a flight attendant for almost 20 years. She is an activist for social change and a humanitarian with emphasis on charities like Clean The World and Charity Water. Her passion is sustainability and being an overcomer.
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